An NFT is a non-interchangeable token that is a cryptographic unique key that provides the user with possession of a unique digital object. It can be an image, music or video. NFT game developers use blockchain technology to create an entire world or make certain items unique, which distinguishes such projects from familiar games.
We can say that right now the NFT-games industry is just in its infancy because the technology is not widely known. There are often scam projects, and most of these games are similar to the browser games of ten years ago. In the future, this technology is sure to grow in popularity and become a means of making money for thousands of people.
The gameplay itself in NFT games is often already familiar. This can be a classic sandbox, platformer, turn-based PVP-fighter, KKI or strategy. The main difference is just in the items themselves or even the cards, which in normal games do not have any value. For example, if you buy in Assassin`s Creed some costume, you can wear it only on your character, and sell it to someone else is not possible. Using NFT technology makes it possible to transfer or sell items to other users. There are even special marketplaces where such tokens are traded. Some people don’t even play the games themselves, but only buy items to sell them at a higher price.
When you buy an NFT token, you get a certificate that you own the original purchased. Otherwise, it does not protect the purchase from being copied by other users. Although the creator of an NFT item still retains the right to restrict access to it, as with tangible works of art such as paintings and porcelain vases.
For the creators it is a way to monetize their digital works, and for the buyers it is a way to get a certificate that they have the original, which they can sell at any time. This whole market is based on the Ethereum blockchain platform. It is a decentralized computer network designed not only to exchange and store different kinds of cryptocurrency, but also to support applications developed within the ecosystem.