In the case of game design, it’s all about money, too. But in a different sense: blockchain technology makes it possible to create games with an open economy. These are games where every thing is valued in real money and can be sold for cryptocurrency. It can then be cashed in as our usual dollars or euros.
What’s the point of all this? In theory, the open economy makes the virtual world look like the real world: there and there everything is sold for money. Seeing this, the player may feel that computer reality is more complex. Its inhabitants interact with each other not only to kill monsters or other characters, but also to trade or even open a business.
This sort of thing exists right now without blockchain. World of Warcraft fans, for example, sell valuables for virtual gold. Since Blizzard has done without blockchain, why do we need the technology? “In theory, no reason,” says Sergey Kopov. – But in practice, only a large company like Blizzard can make its own auction from scratch. With blockchain, even an indie team can accomplish the same task.
That said, real money needs to be protected. It is one thing to lose virtual currency due to system failure, it is another thing to lose real money. Blockchain gives the game transparency, proves that you have purchased an item. Even if a sword goes missing due to a game update or technical work, the blockchain keeps information about it.
As practice shows, some players do want to trade virtual valuables. Take the aforementioned World of Warcraft: The game’s rules prohibit trading for real money. To buy gold and other items, the audience goes to third-party sites, often dubious. Their owners can take payment, but not give the goods, or even use the payment information and try to steal all the money from the account.
Open economy games don’t fight the gray market, they legalize it. This creates a problem where some play for fun and others play for money.
To buy World of Warcraft in-game gold officially, a player has to spend on a WoW token. It can then be sold in a virtual auction
Game designers more or less understand how to use blockchain. With NFT, things are much more complicated. This is due to the peculiarities of the technology. The main reason is that he can part with an NFT item only of his own free will.
In addition, NFT items are instantly transferred from one user to another.
Just as importantly, NFT ships can be disposed of not only from the game, but also from third-party sites. All of the above complicates gameplay design. Not surprisingly, game developers have not yet come up with significant mechanics with NFT.
99% of developers use NFT technology primitively – as just another way to make money. All because everyone wants to make money, not work. It’s easier to make another pyramid scheme than a real working project.
But if no one has figured out how to use NFT technology creatively, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. If you set your mind to it, remember: and N